Wind-resistant and fire-retardant performance

台风和暴雨每年都会反复袭击日本. 十大赌博娱乐平台通过确保建筑强度和防水的设计来保护住宅免受风暴的侵袭.
In addition, as a precaution against fires breaking out and spreading, due to neighborhoods with houses lined so close together, 十大赌博娱乐平台采用防火材料,达到高阻燃性能.

Fire-retardant and fire prevention


External wall


屋檐和外墙距离相邻房屋的火灾仅3米,可能会暴露在840°C的高温下. When the SFC board, Heim's external wall material, is exposed to such temperature, the surface temperature of the board remains at around 80°C, 远低于木材的点火温度(260℃)。. 这确保了安全疏散,并尽量减少对贵重家具的影响.


Ordinary painted outer wall
Durastone outer wall

由于都拉石外墙所用的材料和颜料都是无机物, those are unburnable. The photos show results of combustion tests with burner.

Fire prevention structure of Heim's external wall

Heim's external walls used for real housing are SFC boards, with glass wool attached to restrict the temperature. The surfaces of the walls facing the room, meanwhile, are plasterboards, which exude moisture when exposed to high temperature. 这三种材料构成了外墙的结构, while we also offer semi-fire proofing external walls, using rock wool as the insulation*2.

  1. *1Only for semi-fire proofing specifications.
  2. *2Only for the fire guard portion.


Unburnable roof, seamless structure to prevent leaping flames

Hyperdulatic屋顶采用重叠的防火长不锈钢屋顶, jointed without bolts, with no gaps through which fire can creep. 瓷砖和斜坡屋顶也使用了同样的阻燃材料.



12个.5mm增强石膏板受热时会发生化学反应并放出水分. 海姆的内墙显示出15分钟的阻燃性能.

在海姆内部,天花板和墙壁覆盖着加固石膏板(12).5mm) or moisture-proof plasterboards (15.0mm). 天花板, 哪里的温度在火灾初期上升得很快, are doubly covered with reinforced plasterboards. 工厂建造海姆也有一个非常高的气密性结构. Assuming the door is closed when you evacuate, 它减少了空气供应,防止火势蔓延到其他房间15分钟.


住宅火灾有时发现得太晚而无法扑灭, 这意味着早期识别对预防火灾至关重要. Various kinds of fire alarms are installed in living rooms, 厨房, staircases, and open ceiling in Heim, according to the plans and lifestyles. 也, we cooperate with Secom Company, one of the leading companies in 日本, specialized in the areas of fire prevention and security, which provides its security system

Wind and rain-resistant

Heim is designed to reduce damage from typhoons and rainstorms

External wall

The SFC external wall panels flexibly withstand wind force

In bending tests assuming wind pressure, SFC板的柔韧性比加气轻质混凝土板(ALC板)高5倍。. SFC boards can also resist 1,600kg of wind pressure, 这相当于60米/秒的风力作用在三层楼的顶层.

What is the SFC board for the external wall?

SFC板最初是由Sekisui公司开发的,用作外墙材料. 它是通过加热和压缩木材纤维和热固性水泥的混合物制成的,000 ton pressing machines. The mixing ratio of the wood fiber is adjusted at surface, middle and reverse portions of the board, 这意味着它既有混凝土的硬度和强度,又有木材的柔韧性.


瓷砖的防水性能非常可靠,因此通常用于浴室等设施. 特别是,海姆外墙使用的瓷砖渗透性非常低. The tiles are also designed to resist acid and alkali, 这意味着建筑可以抵御酸雨等恶劣环境. 作为瓷砖基板的SFC板是一种高密度材料, 将50mm厚的原料加热压制至12~16mm厚, using a 2,000 ton pressing machine. As it has low permeability, namely 10 times lower than that of ALC board, it can be used for external walls, untilled or in any other way, except painting.

  • Water immersion tests by material
  • *这些照片显示了测试第一天的情况.
SFC board
Lightweight foam concrete
Mortar boards

Tests demonstrate the complete waterproofing

Based on previous experiences in meteorological observation, it is known that the stronger the wind, the lower the rainfall, and vice versa. 每半个世纪发生一次的风和雨的组合相当于35米/秒的风速x 60毫米/小时的降雨量(10分钟的平均值), 风速被转换成屋顶高度处的速度). Under these conditions, 击中建筑垂直墙体的水量对应于285mm/h的降雨量. 十大赌博娱乐平台人为地重现了海姆的这种情况,并确认了屋顶和外墙的每个接缝和部分的防渗性.


Flat roof, a suitable design against strong wind

日本ese style roof tiles, with the ordinary fixing method, 可能在25~30m/秒的风速下变松,有时开始飞走. 然而, 海姆的平屋顶是一种合适的形式,可以最大限度地减少强风和地震造成的影响, thanks also to its lightweight nature.

Long and boltless folded plates, ensuring no water leakage

There are no structural gaps through which water can seep, 由于无螺栓不锈钢板屋面材料重叠. As the roof material is long stainless steel plate, 减少接缝数量可以提高防水性能.

We specially developed the material, design and fixing method for the Brook roof tile, which represents a safety measure against wind and rain,.

Double clip method

海姆用于坡屋顶类型的小溪屋顶瓦是水泥和聚合物纤维的混合物,牢固地压制形成精确成型的屋顶瓦. 这种材料本质上是不透水的,并且具有特殊的防水形状, known as a rib structure against driving rain, 而屋顶瓦片尺寸的增加也可以减少接缝的数量. 小溪屋面瓦用特殊的不锈钢夹和环形钉固定在屋顶上. 抗风测试证实,固定屋面瓦在60米/秒的风速下不会松动或被撕裂.