
“Innovation inspired by Nature” Research Support Program, 关井化工有限公司. 有限公司

Fostering the 下一代 Through Programs That Leverage the Characteristics of Our Businesses.

协助科学知识在制造业的应用, SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group has been running the “Innovation inspired by Nature Research Support Program, 关井化工有限公司. 自2002财政年度起, in commemoration of the 55th anniversary of the SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group’s founding. 2023财年, research grants were provided for three projects on “manufacturing” themes and eleven projects on “fundamental research” themes, 在240份申请中,共获得14笔拨款.



名字 所属单位
(Affiliations, positions, and so forth are those at the time of receiving the grant award)
吴克群日本田岛 北海道大学工程学院副教授 Creation of high-strength fiber materials that mimic the mechanism of cellulose fiber formation in living organisms
喜田岛历经甲级 Lecturer, Hokkaido University of Science Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Dept. 药物化学 Learning from the flotation mechanism of Foraminifera to develop an easily collectable floating-up adsorbents for removal pollutants
Hiroshi Isoda Professor, Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere 京都大学 Design and trial manufacture of a fine-tuned environmental prototype using the expansion and contraction characteristics of wood


名字 所属单位
(Affiliations, positions, and so forth are those at the time of receiving the grant award)
Kazutaka昭 名古屋大学助理教授 Development of optical functional materials using semiconductor nanocrystals inspired by mineral structures
汪东城Arima 鸟取大学农学院教授 Closed-circulated land-based aquaculture and aquaponics that mimic mountain streams inspired by bacterial communities
张,马克左夫 副教授, 材料与结构实验室, 创新研究所, 东京工业大学 Development of multifunctional heterogeneous catalytic materials learned from plant root systems
Mugihito OSHIRO 九州大学农学院助理教授 Building a foundation for designing a harmonious community of beneficial microbes inspired by traditional fermented-foods
阿基拉山口 终身助理教授, 材料科学与工程系, 材料与化学技术学院, 东京工业大学 Electrochemical carbon dioxide reduction under hydrothermal condition inspired by the emergence of life in hydrothermal environment at deep sea floors
久保Wakana 东京农业技术大学教授 Development of thermal control materials inspired by animal fur pattern
小君Takaya 副教授, Department of Chemistry, School of Science, 东京工业大学 Polymer Degradation Enabled by Photoenergy/Metal Cooperative Catalysis
井口Yoshio 助理教授, 分子遗传学系, 生物医学研究所, 福岛医科大学医学院 A remote activation strategy for mammalian neuronal populations employing insect chemosensory receptors
小林哟 机械科学系副教授 & Bioengineering, Graduate school of Engineering Science, Osaka University Development and application of information processing methods learned from tactile perception in living organisms
一辉Tanifuji 助理教授, 国际元素科学研究中心, 化学研究所, 京都大学 Bio-inspired Cluster Catalysts: Advancing Nitrogen Reduction beyond Enzymatic Conversion
Kaoru松尾 助理教授, Osaka Metropolitan University Graduate School of Agriculture Green space conservation and development for "Sustainable cities and communities" considering climate change

The recipients of the Fiscal Year 2023 Innovation inspired by Nature Research Support Program, 关井化工有限公司. 有限公司.



Research findings relating to themes granted support as part of the fiscal 2022 “Innovation inspired by Nature Research Support Program, 关井化工有限公司. 有限公司” were published in the international scientific journal Advanced Optical Materials (2301086).

(Affiliations and positions are those at the time of receiving awards)

斋藤明(大阪大学副教授) “光明”的实现, 广泛, and Color-Dispersion Free” Transmissive Optical Materials learning from Butterfly, 蛾, 和植物


Please click the following for details of past grant research themes.


实现可持续发展的社会, SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group is expanding its contribution to resolving various social issues through business by seeking “business growth, 改革, 以ESG管理为核心的创新.”

The Innovation Inspired by Nature Forum is held to report the results of the Innovation Inspired by Nature Research Support Program, which gives grants to research that utilizes foundational science knowledge learned from nature and the functioning of nature in innovation, as well as to promote research exchanges among involved researchers.

2022财年, 值此论坛成立20周年之际, 讲座和海报环节, which were previously held at the Sekisui Chemical Kyoto Research Institute, 都在网上举行.在讲座中, we received congratulatory speeches from 名誉教授镰町三春 of Osaka University, 谁是最初陪审团的第一任主席, 以及东京工业大学的渡边俊二教授, 现任陪审团主席是谁. 博士和. 祐一津田, 隼鸟2号项目经理, 做了题为“隼鸟2号的技术与管理”的讲座, which successfully made an interplanetary round-trip to Asteroid Ryugu".

确保在网上也能积极分享意见, the Group set up two venues—the results presentation venue and the discussion venue. The results presentation venue served as a place solely for showing pre-recorded videos of presentation outlines. This allowed presenters to fully devote themselves to discussion at the discussion venue.

The adoption of this method was well-received as it enabled results presenters and participants to focus on the sharing of opinions, 这导致了积极的讨论.


  • 第一任主席

  • 现任主席

  • 讲师


  • Presentation venue: A presentation video recorded in advance was shown.

  • 讨论地点:与