Human Resources Management


Shift to a role-based management system for human resources

After undertaking a major renewal of the human resources management system from fiscal 2020, operations commenced in fiscal 2022 as planned.

  • 资格制度
    : Introduced a key position grading system for management, abolished appointment probation periods, and started a successor training system.
  • 退休的扩展
    : Extended from 60 to 65 (implemented by SEKISUI CHEMICAL and specific Group companies from October 2021, implementation completed at all Group companies by fiscal 2025).
  • 评估/职业
    : Introduced a system to evaluate challenges, revamped career interviews.
  • Bonus payment system
    : Expanded the indicator ratio that measures the progress and achievement of Group-wide KPIs related to sustainability (approx. 6%→约. 12%; SEKISUI CHEMICAL management, from fiscal 2023)
  • 系统
    : Started visualizing and utilizing employee qualitative information through a new human resource system.

2022财年, we included challenging behavior as an evaluation item and strengthened evaluator training to ensure that the system is operated properly.


Evaluator Training Results (SEKISUI CHEMICAL)

Training Program Name FY2021 FY2022
Evaluator Training A (understanding the evaluation system)
941 75
Evaluator Training B (basics of evaluation + understanding the evaluation system)
Training to strengthen evaluation skills (1) (basics of evaluation + goal setting)
Training to strengthen evaluation skills (2) (daily management + interview training)

Training Human Resources

SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group put in place a training map based on its Basic Policy on Human Resources Policy (在这里看到的), and Diversity Management Policy (在这里看到的).

To become an energized and engaged company where all employees thrive on challenges, SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group is developing human resources who can address the speed of business growth and change. 同时, we are promoting efforts to successfully place the right person in the right position.

  • 08-04

Training Human Resources Map

Shifted from a rank-based capability development approach by year and qualification to a role-based capability development approach that is consistent with placing the right person in the right place.


Hours of Training and Development per FTE (SEKISUI CHEMICAL)

  FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Average hours of training and development per FTE 9.4 9.4 6.3 7.1 6.1
  • 注意:
    Educational programs held at SEKISUI CHEMICAL’s Human Resources Department at Corporate Headquarters